Dental crowns and bridges are two common solutions for restoring damaged or missing teeth. A dental crown, also known as a cap, is essentially a tooth-shaped cover that fits over an existing tooth or dental implant. It provides strength and protection and improves the appearance of the tooth. 

On the other hand, a dental bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth by using adjacent healthy teeth as anchors. The bridge consists of artificial teeth called pontics that fill in the gap created by missing teeth. 

The primary purpose of crowns and bridges is to restore functionality to damaged or missing teeth. Crowns help strengthen weakened teeth due to decay or fractures, while bridges restore chewing ability and prevent neighboring teeth from shifting into the empty space. 

The Purpose Of Crowns And Bridges

Dental crowns and bridges serve different purposes, but both are important in restoring the functionality and appearance of your teeth. 

Crowns, also known as caps, are used to cover a damaged or decayed tooth to protect it from further damage. They can also be used to improve the aesthetics of a misshapen or discolored tooth. Placing a crown over a weak tooth provides strength and stability, allowing you to bite and chew comfortably. 

On the other hand, bridges are used when one or more teeth are missing. A bridge consists of artificial teeth that fill in the gaps created by missing teeth. This not only restores your ability to speak clearly and chew properly but also helps maintain the alignment of your remaining natural teeth. 

In addition to their functional benefits, crowns, and bridges can greatly enhance your smile by improving the shape, color, and overall appearance of your teeth. With advancements in dental technology, these restorations can be customized to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth for a beautiful result. 

The purpose of crowns and bridges is to restore both function and aesthetics so that you can enjoy a healthy mouth and confident smile! 

How Are Crowns And Bridges Placed?

Dental crowns and bridges are effective solutions for restoring damaged or missing teeth. But how exactly are these restorations placed? Let’s take a closer look. 

The dentist will prepare the tooth that needs a crown by removing any decayed or damaged portions. In the case of the bridge, it is the healthy teeth on both sides of the gap that is prepared for the placement of the anchoring crowns. This helps create space for the restoration to fit properly. In some cases, a root canal may be necessary before placing a crown. 

Next, the dentist will take impressions of your teeth and send them to a dental lab where your custom crown or bridge will be created. While waiting for your permanent restoration, you may receive a temporary one to protect your prepared tooth. 

Once your final restoration is ready, you’ll return to the dentist’s office for placement. The dentist will check its fit and make any necessary adjustments before permanently cementing it in place. With proper care and regular dental visits, crowns and bridges can last for many years. 

Getting crowns and bridges placed involves careful preparation of the affected tooth followed by customization of the restoration at a dental lab. It’s an important process that ensures both functionality and aesthetics in restoring your smile! 

Benefits Of Getting Crowns And Bridges

  • Improved appearance: Dental crowns and bridges are designed to match the color and shape of your natural teeth, giving you a seamless smile. They can effectively cover up misshapen, discolored, or damaged teeth, enhancing your overall dental aesthetics. 
  • Enhanced oral functionality: Missing or damaged teeth can make it difficult to chew food properly and speak clearly. Crowns and bridges restore the function of these teeth, allowing you to eat comfortably and communicate without any hindrance. 
  • Increased durability: Crowns are made from strong materials such as porcelain or metal alloy, making them highly durable. With proper care, they can last for many years, providing a long-term solution for dental problems. 
  • Protection for weakened teeth: If you have a tooth that is cracked or has undergone root canal treatment, a crown can provide protection by covering the entire tooth structure. This prevents further damage and strengthens the tooth’s foundation. 
  • Improved self-confidence: Having missing or damaged teeth can negatively impact your self-esteem and confidence levels when interacting with others. By restoring your smile with crowns and bridges, you’ll regain confidence in social situations. 
  • Easy maintenance: Taking care of crowns and bridges is relatively simple — just practice good oral hygiene habits like brushing twice daily, flossing regularly, and visiting your dentist for routine checkups. 
  • Cost-effective solution: Compared to other restorative treatments like dental implants, crowns and bridges offer affordable options with similar benefits in terms of functionality and aesthetics. 

Remember that each individual case is unique; consulting with our qualified cosmetic dentist in McKinney, TX, will help determine if crowns or bridges are suitable options for you based on your specific needs. 


Dental crowns and bridges are essential dental procedures that can restore the appearance, function, and health of your teeth. Whether you have a damaged tooth or missing teeth, these restorative treatments can help bring back your smile. 

So, if you’re struggling with broken or missing teeth, don’t let it affect your confidence any longer. Visit our cosmetic dentist in McKinney, TX, today to discuss whether dental crowns or bridges are suitable options for restoring your oral health and bringing back that beautiful smile! 

With cutting-edge technology and a commitment to patient satisfaction, Edge Dental Designs, located at 152 N Custer Rd STE 2900, Mckinney, TX 75071, offers a wide range of treatments tailored to meet your unique needs, ensuring you leave with a confident smile every time. For the best dental care, visit the best Cosmetic Dentist in McKinney, TX, at Edge Dental Designs, or call (214) 945-1993.

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